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Members can learn and refresh their advocacy techniques, both new and established, to improve their skills in and out of Courts & Tribunals. Free subscribers get to read the techniques as they are presented.

Paid subscribers get access to these extras:

  • a podcast with a more detailed presentation.

  • the Case Study from Donoghue v. Stevenson with four witness statements, three exhibits, and pleadings.

  • a detailed demonstration of the technique using the case study.

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Subscribe to Advocacy Club Boot Camp on Substack

This Substack page is a full course on Trial Advocacy. It presents the techniques of the Advocacy Club via Blog & Podcast, complete with a discussion of techniques, strategy, and tactics, with formulae, examples and templates.


Trains and authors training manuals: - for lawyers, paralegals and law students on advocacy techniques (11 handbooks at Irwin Law or on Amazon). - 2 handbooks on Amazon for professionals, on public speaking and speechwriting. www.advocacyclub.ca